Frequently Asked Questions
Each cup holds up to 8 ounces of milk, enabling you to collect up to 16 ounces of milk when you pump.
No. The measurement (25 mm, 28 mm, or 32 mm) refers to the internal diameter of the breast funnel which surrounds your nipple. The cup itself is the same size—all Freemie breast funnel sizes fit it. Size and fit are based on your personal comfort and preferences; therefore, we cannot determine which size will be optimal for you. If you’re not sure which size would be best for you, we recommend that you meet with your healthcare professional or lactation consultant in person for an assessment.
The Freemie Breast Funnels are made from polypropylene, a material that is not as rigid as glass nor as flexible as silicone, and provides a nice, smooth finish. Polypropylene combined with Freemie’s breast funnel design ensure that Freemie Collection Cups are comfortable against the skin.
No. Freemie Collection Cups—and all Freemie components that come into contact with breast milk—are made with polypropylene plastic, which does NOT contain BPA, DEHP or latex. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical component present in polycarbonate plastic used in the manufacture of certain beverage containers and most food can liners. Freemie Collection Cups and all Freemie components that come into contact with breast milk are NOT made with BPA. DEHP is an additive used in some kinds of PVC plastics to make the plastic soft and flexible. Freemie tubing is NOT made with DEHP. Latex is a rubber material used to make products such as latex gloves and latex condoms. Freemie Collection Cups and all Freemie components that come into contact with breast milk are NOT made with latex.
No. The cup itself is identical, whether you use 25 mm, 28 mm, or 32 mm breast funnels. Because breast funnels are interchangeable, all you need to do is order a second set of breast funnels from the Parts & Accessories section of our store.
The suction level of Freemie Collection Cups is nearly identical to the original horns and bottles that come with the Medela, Philips Avent, and Ameda pumps on our list of compatible pumps.
If your pump is on our list of compatible pumps and you have the proper connection kit, then the answer is yes. Freemie Collection Cups that come with a Freemie pump can be used with a compatible pump from another manufacturer as long as you have the Freemie Connection Kit for it. Connection kits are available in the Parts & Accessories section of our store.
No, providing your pump is on our list of compatible models. When you order a set of Freemie Collection Cups for a compatible pump, tubing and connectors for that model are included. If you want to use the cups with another compatible pump, you can purchase a connection kit in the Parts & Accessories section of our store.Toggle Content
At this time, Freemie Collection Cups can be used only with the models on our list of compatible pumps. Pumps that are not listed are not recommended to be used with the Freemie cups. We frequently hear, “The Freemie Cups are compatible with the Medela Pump in Style, so why aren’t they compatible with the Medela Freestyle?” The Medela Pump in Style is a different kind of pump than the Medela Freestyle, and—like the Freemie Cups—the Pump in Styles’ horns are also not compatible with the Freestyle.