Droplet Breast pump with Droplet Closed System Cups


SKU: Drop01-1 Category:


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Includes everything you need to start your pumping journey.

Droplet pump and Droplet Closed System Collection Cups and tubing included in all sets.

We have noticed that there is such an immense need for a more affordable discreet option when it comes to pumping. So we have decided to include a more budget friendly pump to our existing pump range. Introducing the Droplet Breast Pump. This powerful little mobile pump fits into the palm of your hand and overs four different suction modes as well as various different levels of suction strength in each mode.

We have combined this amazing pump with the Droplet Closed System Collection Cups to provide you with the ultimate freedom of pumping. Now you can pump discreetly while back at work, while driving, shopping, having a coffee date with your friends or while breastfeeding your baby. The Droplet Pump is a very quiet pump which can be used as a double or single pump.

About the Closed System Freemie Cups

Hands Free, Discreet Milk Collection System

Single or Double Pump

Pump and Feed Your Baby Simultaneously

Each Cup Holds 240ml.

Made Without latex, BPA or DEHP

Easy To Clean and Sanitize


  • Collection Cup Assembly (2)
    • Cup Set Includes two 24mm silicone breast shields, two (2) cups, two (2) valve bases, two (2) membranes, four (4) duckbill valves
    • Droplet Closed System Connection kit
      • 3 lengths of Tubing and a Y-Connector
  • Droplet Double Breast Pump
  • USB Charging Port

*Sales prices not applicable to medical aid claims


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